Ollie asks to go to school. This morning, he asked me where I was going and I said “to school” and he was like, “Again??”
When I’m at home, I’ll often lock myself in my room to study, and he’ll knock on the door and ask what I’m doing. I’ll tell him I’m studying, and he’ll ask “why?” I’ll say “because I have an exam,” and he’ll go “Another??”
Does he understand what an exam is?
I don’t think so. He just knows I have them all the time. He doesn’t know what school is either. He just knows I take my backpack and get on the bus. He doesn’t know what studying is, or what I do here for that matter. He just thinks it’s cool because Daddy does it.
My way out of stress is athletics. I’ve run more this semester than in the past two. I’ve made it a point to do that. I really wish I could join you guys for pickup soccer or basketball, because that’s what I love. But I know Lauren’s at home with the kids all day, and I’m gone all the time as is. I know I can’t ask her for that.
Marriage develops your sense of selflessness. You realize it’s not all about you. It’s humbling. You become more aware of what other people might be feeling or wanting.
Justin Mathews
Class of 2019